CNC Press Brake Folding

The Amada HDS CNC Press Brake folding machine is the latest addition to our workshop, adding precision bending to our lineup of services.

A highly automated bending cell with off line programming allows the operator to visually see a 3D representation of the finished article. It is one of the most efficient and accurate Press Brake systems currently available worldwide.

Our new Press Brake features a 3.1m wide folding bed with a vast range of precision tooling while our Ermarkson Press Brake 4.1m bed.

When we combine this technology with the Amada fixed height precision ground tooling, fast hydraulic clamping and single ‘V’ dies of up to 80mm, we are able to deliver high quality results at lead times that will exceed expectations and yet still remain truly cost effective.

The Amada HDS is one of the most efficient and accurate Press Brake systems currently available world wide. Wine Country Sheet Metal and Engineering can probably process your orders more accurately and more economically than you can.




Examples of Press Brakes